Well-being and involvement are the quality criteria of the process-oriented approach. Deep-level or fundamental learning is the effect or outcome we want to achieve.
In the Experiential Education Model, a lot of attention is paid to the effects or outcomes of education. The concept of ‘deep level learning’ expresses the concern for a critical approach of educational evaluation. Central to this is the questioning of superficial learning, learning that does not affect the basic competencies of the child and has little transfer to real life situations. In line with a constructivist tradition, we don’t see the process of development as a mere addition of discrete elements of knowledge or aptitudes to an existing repertoire. On the contrary: every performance is depending on an underlying structure of fundamental schemes. These operate as basic programmes that regulate the way one processes incoming stimuli and construct reality. By them we interpret new situations and we act competently – or not. They determine which and how many dimensions of reality can be articulated in one’s perception and cognition (Laevers, 1995 & 1998).
Deep level or fundamental learning is all about fundamental changes in theses ‘basic schemata’. People not only incorporate new elements in their repertory, but they also function differently: their grip on reality becomes broader or more nuanced. Fundamental learning changes the person.
- Ferre Laevers (2000) Forward to Basics! Deep‐Level‐Learning and the Experiential Approach, in: Early Years, 20 (2), 20-29.
- Laevers, F. (1993). Deep level learning: an exemplary application on the area of physical knowledge, in: European Early Childhood Education Research Journal, 1 (1), 53 – 68.