Bart Declercq
Bart is a pedagogue and has been working as a scientific assistant at CEGO since 2002. He is active in the domain of the young child (0-5 years) both in Flanders and internationally. Over the past fifteen years he has contributed to systematic quality care in childcare through education, research, support and development assignments. He is co-author of quality instruments such as ZiKo, Ziko-Vo, MyPortret, the MeMoQ self-evaluation instrument and various training DVDs. He was recently part of the research group that carried out the MeMoQ project.
Charlotte Van Cleynenbreugel
Charlotte is a primary education teacher and a Master in Educational Studies. Since 2009 she has been working as a scientific assistant at CEGO. After projects such as VTBpro research and Dorp-Op-School, she participates in primary education on the project "Every child good in its skin" (funded by the 'Warme Scholen' fund). In the childcare sector, Charlotte has, among other things, carried out research into the pedagogical quality of Flemish childcare (MeMoQ) and cooperates in supporting this sector through ' t OpZet' and setting up learning networks. In addition, she supports Flemish and Dutch residential care centers in working on quality based on the well-being and involvement of their residents.
Dorien Wassink
Dorien is an educational scientist and has been working as a scientific assistant at CEGO since 2017. During the past seven years, she gained experience in teacher education and with practice-oriented research on movement integration and tablets in pre-primary and primary education. Within CEGO, Dorien is active within the theme of stimulating the entrepreneurial spirit of children and young people. In addition, she supports Flemish and Dutch teacher training courses in working on quality based on the well-being and involvement of their students.
Evelien Buyse
Evelien Buyse graduated in 2002 as a clinical psychologist. She obtained her doctorate at the Centre for School Psychology on the theme of quality teacher-child relationships in pre-primary and primary education. Her interest was aroused in the importance of relational and educational support in the development of young children. In 2009, Evelien ended up in the Centre for Experiential Education as a teacher and researcher, where she supported various research projects in terms of content and methodology, ranging from settings in childcare, to education and care for the elderly.
Ferre Laevers
Founder & Director of CEGO Experiential Education
Prof. Dr Ferre Laevers is a professor at the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences. As the founder and director of the Expertise Centre for Experiential Education (CEGO), he has grown the EXEinnovation project over the past 40 years into an influential scientific institution in the educational sector - from childcare to care for the elderly. Thanks to dozens of projects, the EXE covers a range of perspectives ranging from advanced teaching methods, teacher style, classroom climate, the prevention of social-emotional problems, the promotion of entrepreneurship and technology, competence and talent-oriented education, solidarity as the core of moral education ... to integrated quality assurance systems.
Griet De Bruyckere
Griet is a pedagogue and has been working as a scientific assistant at CEGO since 1999. She was active within projects on broadening care and equal educational opportunities. The themes of prevention and remediation of learning and developmental disadvantages and socio-emotional problems received particular attention. With the training and development assignments within the Child & Family project, she developed a great deal of expertise regarding the experience of the young child. She collaborated on both ZiKo and ZiKo-Vo.
Ilse Aerden
Ilse is an orthopedagogue and has been part of the CEGO team since 1998. She started as a scientific assistant in the project "Scientific Support for Healthcare Expansion" and later "Equal Educational Opportunities". The care for children who are struggling or who have fewer opportunities forms the common thread of both her education and development work. She immersed herself in socio-emotional problems, assisted in the development of the process-oriented child monitoring system Looqin and, on behalf of LOP Aarschot, the Talent Archipelago. For the city of Genk, she supports the "Broad Learning and Living Environment".
Inge Laenen
Inge is a kindergarten teacher and has been working at CEGO since 2011. She is daily amazed and inspired by what children and adults experience, how they feel and how fascinated they can be with the world around them. At CEGO she is active as a project employee in coaching and training programs (in Flanders, NL and UK). In Flanders, she cooperates in supporting the childcare sector through ' t OpZet'. In addition, she is involved in care for the elderly and supports Flemish residential care centers in working on quality based on the well-being and involvement of their residents.
Inneke Berghmans
Inneke is an educational scientist. She obtained her PhD in 2012 on the theme of Peer Assisted Learning (PAL), and is still closely involved with the PAL network at KU Leuven today. She has been working at CEGO since 2014. Until 2016, she taught the courses Experiential Education at the Bachelor and Master students of Educational Sciences (KU Leuven). Today she is involved in the Warm Schools project where she trains and coaches teachers in the implementation of LooqinKVS and LooqinJOPSI. In addition to her work at CEGO, she is also active as project manager at EAPRIL (European Association for Practitioner Research on Improving Learning).
Ludo Heylen
Researcher & Director CEGO Training and Consult
Ludo Heylen has been with the CEGO team since 1999. Previously, he worked in teacher training and was the initiator to thoroughly commemorate the training based on highly activating methodologies within a modular operation. It is here that he gained a great deal of practical knowledge and experiential expertise around activating work forms and competence-based evaluation. He is also internationally active and has supported educational projects in Nicaragua, Suriname, Ecuador, Vietnam, Cuba, South Africa and the Netherlands Antilles as a consultant. He writes and gives lectures on topics such as "The School of the Future", "Competence-developing evaluation", "The teacher makes the difference", "Opportunity poverty and education". For a number of years, Ludo has been the director of Cego Training & Consult and manages the training center. At the same time, he remains involved as a scientific assistant in various KU Leuven projects.
Mieke Daems
Mieke is an educational scientist at CEGO. Since 2002 she has been working as a scientific assistant within the domain of the young child (0-5 years). In research, training, support and the development of instruments, she is always looking for people themselves and ways to empower, stimulate and stimulate them. She prefers to work on quality assurance, connectedness and innovation processes at different levels: the level of children, facilities, and policy. She can shape this through various research and support projects in childcare in Flanders and abroad and as a co-author of instruments such as ZiKo, ZiKo-Vo, My Portrait, BIBO, MeMoQ instruments.
Thaline Stas
Thaline is a educational scientist and has been working as a scientific assistant at CEGO since 2013. She achieved her aggregate and strives to contribute to quality improvement in education. Research projects on well-being, involvement and 'good for yourself', including the project 'Every child is good for himself' and the 'Warm schools project' and on Science & Technology such as' Village-at-School 'and' Limburg 'STEMt af' are her focus. The combination of research and the support of teachers ensure a nice alternation between theory and practice.