Monitoring quality in primary education
EXE starts from the process-oriented perspective to look at quality in primary education.
Recognition and communication about how children experience the situation are an essential starting point for working on integrated quality assurance in primary education. Well-being and involvement are placed centrally. What does this learning environment do to this child, both on an emotional and cognitive level?
Naturally, the EXE also focuses on the question of what education should deliver (effect). What does the child acquire during or after class activities? The EXE puts forward the following target areas: a healthy emotional basis, a strong exploration drive, the development of basic competences and the basic attitude of solidarity. In doing so, the bar is set high: it is about fundamental learning (deep-level learning). Learning in which the vision and view on the reality of the child is thoroughly changed. It is a holistic view that connects with constructivism, the competence and the talented approach and the multiple ‘intelligences’ vision.
Once the involvement and well-being of the children have been mapped for one or more output factors, there are tools to make the learning environment even more powerful (approach). One gets an insight into where the learning environment is powerful, which elements still deserve attention, where there are still opportunities to make the learning environment more interesting. In addition, one gets a view of children whose development is threatened in one way or another. This allows a quick transition to the design and execution of suitable initiatives.
Context data
Context questionnaire tailored to the research
Process data children
Leuven Involvement Scale
Leuven Well-being Scale
Looqin KVS, procesgericht kindvolgsysteem
Wat vind ik van mijn school, bevragingsinstrument